Tranquil setting with a striking tree in the foreground

Power of Shalom: Peace, Serenity, Tranquility in God's Truth

Welcome to the mobileShalom, your ultimate destination to find true peace, serenity, and tranquility in God’s truth. Feel overwhelmed? Experience the transformative power of shalom that brings inner harmony and spiritual fulfillment.

What Does Shalom Mean?

Shalom is more than just a word – it’s a powerful concept that has the ability to transform your life. As a Hebrew term, it encompasses a variety of meanings, from physical wholeness and safety to emotional tranquility and Spiritual prosperity.

At our resources, we believe that Shalom is a gift from God to his children, freely given to those who seek it. Through Jesus Christ, you can access the fullness of what Shalom has to offer.

Imagine feeling complete, whole, and healthy. Imagine living in a state of peace, safety, and soundness, free from agitation and discord. This is the power of Shalom, and we are here to help you experience it for yourself.

Our resources are designed to guide you on your journey towards Shalom, offering practical tools and inspiration to help you along the way. Whether you’re seeking physical healing, emotional balance, Spiritual Growth, or all of the above, we have something for you.

Join us in discovering the meaning of Shalom and the transformative power it holds. With Jesus Christ as your guide, anything is possible.

Explore the profound meaning of shalom and unlock the path to a life filled with Divine serenity. Join us on this spiritual journey towards finding solace in God’s everlasting truth. Embrace shalom today!

At mobileShalom, we understand the importance of God’s truth as the foundation of our organization. We believe that the Bible is the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance, and that through prayer, meditation, and devotion, we can draw closer to God and tap into his limitless peace and grace. Our mission is to help others rediscover this truth and find the emotional wellness that comes with it.

In a society that often fixates on material possessions and temporary pleasures, you stand as a testimony to the power of spiritual wellness through God’s truth. The peace and serenity that come from this truth are not fleeting or temporary, but are a lasting reminder of God’s love and grace in your life. Through your commitment to prayer, meditation, and devotion, you aim to inspire others to seek out this same peace and tranquility in their own lives.

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the chaos and uncertainty of the world around you, look no further than Shalom. Whether you’re new to the faith or a lifelong believer, we invite you to join us in discovering God’s truth and finding true emotional and spiritual wellness. Together, let us draw closer to God and find the peace and serenity that we so desperately need in our lives.

The Very Good Gospel Brings Shalom

The Very Good Gospel: How Everything Wrong Can Be Made Right

Discover the transformative power of the Very Good Gospel with Jesus at the center. Explore the message of new life through his death and resurrection, and how it brings hope to a world where wrongs are made right. Join forces with Lisa Harper on this journey of faith and discover the fullness of life in Christ.

It is the vision God set forth in the Garden and the restoration God desires for every relationship. So many people are missing out on the biblical call to shalom. Harper’s account of the Gospel is shalom-based. This theme runs through the Bible and is very strong in the Hebrew prophets. 

Shalom restores what is broken and transfigures it. God can give us peace with himself or remove it.

This extraordinary book by Lisa Sharon Harper is a godsend. Despite our anxious minds, division and threats of violence, God’s vision remains: Wholeness for a hurting world.  

mobileShalom, an online Christian sanctuary, offers a curated selection of enlightening books, immersive audiobooks, and profound Bible studies. These resources, penned by esteemed pastors, teachers, and those who have triumphed over life’s battles, empower you to combat satan’s deceptions and demonic attacks with God’s Truth revealed in the Bible. Embrace the unwavering conviction that human strength alone cannot secure victory; only God’s Word holds the power to prevail. Immerse yourself in the effervescent embrace of God’s Shalom, a peace that transcends all earthly understanding, beaming its exquisite light upon your path.

Shalom is a Blessing, a manifestation of Divine Grace. 

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The more of Jesus you place into your heart the more darkness is pushed out.

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